Beaufort Estate Planning News

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Amount and Duration of Alimony Payments in Carteret County

August 15, 2022

In the mid and late 2010s, many states, including neighboring South Carolina, significantly revamped their spousal support laws, mostly out of concern over inconsistent determinations in different courts.  Judge A might look at a case and award X amount of alimony, and Judge B might look at the same factors and award nothing. However, aside…

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estate planning after divorce

How Much Child Support Will I Get In A Divorce?

May 5, 2022

The decision to get a divorce is never an easy one to make. The choice can become even more complex when minor children are involved. A parent who is considering leaving their spouse should research how much child support they will get in the divorce prior to making their final decision.  Knowing how much child…

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I’ve Been Served With Divorce Papers – What’s Next?

April 6, 2022

Finding yourself suddenly served with divorce papers can be an unpleasant shock under the best of circumstances and a traumatic surprise in the worst-case scenarios. It is important not to panic, and you don’t make the mistake of ignoring the proceedings. Failing to act, or acting irrationally, can cost you dearly. Knowing what to do…

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What Are The Requirements For Separation In North Carolina?

April 1, 2022

Many adults are unsure of how to proceed when the time comes to dissolve their marriage. The steps to take in order to end the marriage can seem difficult especially if you are unfamiliar with your state’s laws on divorce.  Fortunately, North Carolina has clear guidelines in place for those seeking to end their marriage…

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retirement accounts divorce

Are Retirement Accounts Considered Joint Property In A Divorce?

March 2, 2022

Going through a divorce is an emotionally draining process. Nobody ever wants to think that their marriage will end one day, which is why most people are never prepared when it happens to them. After all, you are parting ways with the love of your life – someone you’ve shared your life moments with for…

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What Is A “Dependent Spouse” In North Carolina?

February 14, 2022

In North Carolina, spousal support is used to describe the different types of alimony that a spouse needs to pay to the other spouse when a marriage ends. However, for a spouse to receive this support, the court must first determine whether they are a “dependent spouse” as defined by the state’s laws.  What Exactly…

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In North Carolina, Who Pays The Attorney’s Fees In A Divorce?

January 21, 2022

Attorney fees can be a contentious issue in any divorce case. In most civil cases in North Carolina, the parties are required to pay their individual attorneys out of pocket in the absence of an agreement to do otherwise. However, with family law cases, North Carolina statutes provide a legal basis for one party to…

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estate planning after divorce

Estate Planning Items To Consider After A Divorce

January 5, 2022

Considering filing for a divorce is a difficult decision, and the entire process can weigh on you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Divorcing couples deal with multiple challenges and life-changing decisions like property division and child custody.  During the divorce proceedings, all marital assets are valued as of the date of separation and typically divided equally.…

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diy estate planning

The Many Risks Of DIY Estate Planning

December 14, 2021

We live in an era that is rich in information. Are you trying to figure out how to do something? Just look it up on the internet, and odds are you’ll find something online with instructions on how to accomplish it.  Although you may find out how to fix something with your car or house…

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The Ultimate Estate Planning Checklist

December 1, 2021

Estate planning can be an uncomfortable subject for some people. However, you must have a plan in place to protect your family when you die. You might believe that you’re young, or you don’t have many assets. Even if any of these are true, it’s critical to handle your estate planning and work with someone…

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